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Ragnarok Origin Hidden Quests

Ragnarok Origin Hidden Quests

Hello. It is a dream waltz that introduces interesting games and shares various tips.

Today, I'm going to summarize the hidden quests among the mobile Ragnarok origin tips that I'm playing hard.

First, there are 6 hidden quests to introduce today. We will post if we proceed further.

Note that if you receive a hidden quest at the same time while performing a hidden quest, the existing hidden quest will disappear. Be careful (you may not, but I've seen quite a few of them).

Entrance mailbox at prontera 9 o'clock

There is a mailbox at the entrance of the village of Frontera at 9 o'clock. It has a purple exclamation mark so you can find it easily.

[Special] This is the quest of the death of Kercy.

There is nothing difficult. You can continue the quest.

Finally, look at the wedding!

It seems to take about 5-10 minutes.

Reward list

BASE Exp: 50918

JOB Exp: 45527

Paradise Band Coin: 57,000

3 headdress corrections

20 golden powder

Knights of the Knights at 12 o'clock

If you look to the right before crossing the bridge at 12 o'clock at Izurud, there is a knight. It is also marked with a purple question mark.

This quest is to protect lost items. You can stop mobs from destroying the material. It's simple. It seems to have taken 3~5 minutes.

Reward list

BASE Exp: 48960

JOB Exp: 43776

Paradise Band Coin: 57,000

3 headdress corrections

20 golden powder

Irritated wizard at 6 p.m. Gefen

There is a nervous wizard under the fountain at 6 o'clock in Gefen. It is also marked with a purple question mark.

[Special] This is a hidden quest called Smokey's Secret Plan.

After catching the mob called Smokey,

I have to use the smokey password. There is a yellow circle like the screen above. Each time you cross the yellow circle, you can get one action skill at the bottom right.

You have to go all the way up to the last observatory and follow the smokey password.

The password is automatically completed by questing with the left hand 1, the right hand 2, and the turn 1. 

Reward list
BASE Exp: 41534
JOB Exp: 37137
Paradise Band Coin: 54,000
3 headdress corrections
20 golden powder
Payyon at 12 o'clock

If you go to the 12 o'clock in Peyon, there is a lady. It is also marked with a purple question mark, so you can find it well. If you don't know, please refer to the mini-map on the top right.

When you receive a quest from a maiden, it automatically proceeds.


At the end, I need to catch Soohee, a shaman. You can use an amulet to hit it. It seems to have taken about 10 minutes. 

Reward list

BASE Exp: 33170

JOB Exp: 29659

Paradise Band Coin: 52,000

2 headdress corrections

Title-1 sad waiting

Takius at 3 o'clock in Moroc

If you go to the Moroccan village at 3 o'clock there is an NPC called Takius. Purple question mark!, next to the guard.

This quest is not too difficult. It seems to have taken about 5 minutes.

Reward list

BASE Exp: 36393

JOB Exp: 32540

Paradise Band Coin: 53,000

3 headdress corrections

20 golden powder

Desert Bridge Mad at 9 o'clock (coward mage)

There was no purple question mark in this hidden quest. Please refer to the mini-map in the upper right! 

As you progress through the quest, there is one quiz. I need to combine the yellow runes.

To enter the scaffold, you must enter the rune.

1. Carry a blue rune at the entrance and go left.

2. Please listen to the purple rune first.

3. The next red rune turns red.

(Be sure to lift the purple rune first and listen to the red rune.)

4. Then go right and pick up the yellow rune.

5. Go to 12 o'clock and you're done!

Reward list

BASE Exp: 52917

JOB Exp: 47314

Paradise Band Coin: 58,000

3 headdress corrections

20 golden powder

This is the Hidden Quest we will introduce today.

For reference, I am trying to clear Captain Karok, but due to a bug, Captain Karok was not visible.

We will post once more if it is confirmed.