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ODIN: Valhalla Rising vai ser lançado em 29 de junho

Foi confirmado durante o Vitrine Virtual que ODIN: Valhalla Rising será oficialmente lançado na Coreia do Sul em 29 de junho. ...

Evoluçoes de Gatuno

Evoluçoes de Gatuno


- condições de nível: Lv base 10 / JobLv10

- arma ultilizada : Dagger

-A resistĂŞncia em si Ă© baixa, entĂŁo batalhas intensas sĂŁo  irracionais,

Bom em perturbar inimigos e evitar ataques  inimigos 


Advanced skillsSkill Max Level
Double Attack Lv.5
Skill descriptionSkill attribute
Deals ATK +( 300 )%
80 ) no Attribute physical damage to up to 10 nearby enemies .
Physical / no Attribute
SP consumption
Trick control

Advanced skillsSkill Max Level
Skill descriptionSkill attribute
Deals ( 40 )*(Base Level-10)+50
Toxic Physical damage to the targeted
enemy (maximum Base Lv value is 45) 60 )% Chance to
inflict Poison on an enemy HP ( )% Damage Lasts for ( 28 ) seconds, and when the
target's HP 
drops to ( 15 )%, the poison effect is canceled.
Physical / Poisonous
SP consumption
Advanced skillsSkill Max Level
Skill descriptionSkill attribute
FLEE ( 12 ) increases, lasts 5 seconds
Support / Attribute
SP consumption
Dodge shield
Advanced skillsSkill Max Level
Skill descriptionSkill attribute
Unlock the poison effect of yourself and party members within range
Support / no attribute
SP consumption
Advanced skillsSkill Max Level
Skill descriptionSkill attribute
Immediately becomes stealthy ( 30 ) seconds
The enemy is not targeted.
17 ) SP 1 consumed per second
Support / no attribute
SP consumption
Advanced skillsSkill Max Level
Skill descriptionSkill attribute
Retreats quickly outside a certain distance.
Support / no attribute
SP consumption
Sliding back
Advanced skillsSkill Max Level
Skill descriptionSkill attribute
When attacking an enemy with a dagger 
55 )% chance to double damage and
equip Qatar weapons, 
Increases sub-hand damage by ( 20 )%
SP consumption
Double attack
Advanced skillsSkill Max Level
Skill descriptionSkill attribute
Permanently increases FLEE ( 30 ), movement speed ( )%
SP consumption
Increased evasion rate


- condições de nível: Lv base 40 / JobLv40

- arma ultilizada: Dagger, katar

- mais qualificados assassinato assassino Thief pelos lábios travados competentes com veneno


Advanced skillsSkill Max Level
Two Hands Training Lv.5
Skill descriptionSkill attribute
Instantly inflicts multiple attacks on a single target, inflicting ( 450 )%
300 ) no attribute physical damage.
Physical/non- attribute
SP consumption
Sonic knife
Advanced skillsSkill Max Level
Skill descriptionSkill attribute
Attacks enemies quickly using Qatar and deals ATK ( 800 )%
500 ) no Attribute physical damage.
Also, the target has a ( 
30 )% chance
Gives a stun effect for 2.5 seconds.
Physical/non- attribute
SP consumption
Sonic blow

Advanced skillsSkill Max Level
Skill descriptionSkill attribute
Adds poison to your weapon within 28 ) seconds , increases ATK ( 24 ), and
inflicts physical damage over a duration of ( 
7.5 )% chance
to poison the target.
Lasts for 28 ) seconds, and when the target's HP decreases to ( 15 )%,
the poison effect is canceled.
Support / no attribute
SP consumption
Enchant Poison

Advanced skillsSkill Max Level
Skill descriptionSkill attribute
Deals ( 200 )% Poison Property Damage to the

designated area and gives Poison effect to up to 10 monsters in range Lasts for 50 ) seconds and when the target's HP decreases to ( 15 )%,
the poison effect is canceled.

Physical/no attribute
SP consumption
Benum Dust
Advanced skillsSkill Max Level
Skill descriptionSkill attribute
If the poison in the target target's body explodes after 9.5 ) seconds,

inflicts 1000 )% no Attribute physical damage to up to 10 monsters nearby .
Physical/no attribute
SP consumption
Benum Splasher

Advanced skillsSkill Max Level
Hidding Lv.5 / Sonic Blow Lv.5
Skill descriptionSkill attribute
) Designate a single enemy target within a distance,
dealing (20 )%
150 ) no Attribute physical damage to up to 10 monsters nearby and reducing 50% of the target.
Physical/no attribute
SP consumption

Advanced skillsSkill Max Level
Skill descriptionSkill attribute
You can equip sub-weapons other than the main weapon, and
only 90 )% of the weapon's attack power is applied when paired .
SP consumption
Hands training

Advanced skillsSkill Max Level
Back Sliding Lv.1 / Hiding Study Lv.5

Skill descriptionSkill attribute
The skill of Qatar-based weapons is improved, and
ATK of 50 ) is increased.
SP consumption
Qatar training

Advanced skillsSkill Max Level
Sonic Knife Lv.5
Skill descriptionSkill attribute
Sonic Knife skill damage increased by 10 )%
SP consumption
Sonic knife skill

Advanced skillsSkill Max Level
Sonic Blow Lv.5
Skill descriptionSkill attribute
When using Sonic Blow , it increases HIT ( 55 )% and
Sonic Blow damage ( 
10 )%.
SP consumption
Sonic blow boost

Advanced skillsSkill Max Level
Hidding Lv.5
Skill descriptionSkill attribute
Uses damage-based skills to
remove stealth effects and 
increases damage by ( 50 )%.
SP consumption
Hidding Research

Advanced skillsSkill Max Level
Back Sliding Lv.1 / Hiding Study Lv.5

Skill descriptionSkill attribute
Quickly step back, dodge the attack, and
go into hiding.
SP consumption
Back slide hiding

Assassins Cross

- condições de nível de base: 70 Lv / JobLv40

- arma ultilizada: Dagger,katar

Assassins Cross

Advanced skillsSkill Max Level
Hidding Lv.5 / Sonic Blow Lv.5

Skill descriptionSkill attribute
Inflicts a specific ranged attack on a single specified target.
1000 )% inorganic physical damage + ( 50 ) * INT of
physical damage caused
Physical/no attribute
SP consumption
Pore ​​gun

Advanced skillsSkill Max Level
Pore ​​Gun Lv.3  / Sonic Blow Lv.5

Skill descriptionSkill attribute
Focus on yourself and give a powerful blow to the targets around you.
(440)% No-attributive physical damage occurs and
there is certain probability that the target that was shot is
stunned, dark or bleeding.
Physical/no attribute
SP consumption
Meteor Assault

Advanced skillsSkill Max Level
Pore ​​Gun Lv.3 / Sonic Blow Lv.5

Skill descriptionSkill attribute
The poison in the poison bottle is applied to the weapon.
Increases weapon damage by ( 30 )%
Support / no attribute
SP consumption
Deadly Poisoning

Advanced skillsSkill Max Level
Lethal Poison Lv.5
Skill descriptionSkill attribute
a poisonous knife at an enemy, inflicting 350 )% + ( 220 ) Poison Property Physical damage to a single target and has a
100 )% chance

to inflict Poison on the target. Targets that are poisoned take their Max HP ( )% damage per second .
Physical/Poison property
SP consumption
Benum Knife

Advanced skillsSkill Max Level
Benum Knife Lv.5
Skill descriptionSkill attribute
Deals 340 )%
350 ) Poison Property Physical damage to a single target, and doubles the damage
if it is in the state of poison effect
Physical/Poison property
SP consumption
Extreme poison knife

Advanced skillsSkill Max Level
Double Attack Lv.5 Two / Hands Training Lv.5

Skill descriptionSkill attribute
The subhand gains a double attack effect.
When attacking with a dagger, 
there is a 55 )% chance to do
double damage.
SP consumption
Double Attack Master

Advanced skillsSkill Max Level
Skill descriptionSkill attribute
Advancement improves Qatar-based weapon skills and increases
ATK ( 
20 )%
SP consumption
Qatar Research

Advanced skillsSkill Max Level
Skill descriptionSkill attribute
Fixes the target's weakness and
ignores the enemy's defense by 20 )% when attacking .
SP consumption
Fixed weakness

Advanced skillsSkill Max Level
Lethal Poison Lv.5
Skill descriptionSkill attribute
Assassin's resistance to poison is strengthened.Poison property resistance
increases by 20)%, and when attacked by poison property,
counters damage once and inflicts 
400 )% poison property damage
This effect 
fires up to 1 time in 15 ) seconds.
When taking damage that is not a Poison property, has a 50% chance
to automatically activate Lv.10 ) [Invenom]
once to an opponent who has taken damage This effect is triggered up to once within 15 seconds.
SP consumption
Poison React

1. Early hunting unconditionally

The conclusion I got from initializing it to 54
Until the Assassin Jobp 11, Invenum is the best

Invenum increases with base level up to 45 regardless of attack
+ 25% additional poison property damage ( benefit applied to almost all hunting grounds in the beginning)

The point at which this turns over is "Enchant Poison 1 + Sonic Level 10"

Before the Job Rep 11, which had some blast furnace equipment, Invenum often stopped.
Many people think it's a good idea to stab an Invenum while using Sonic

2. Is the stat up? or deck 30 the rest of the power?

A lot of people here 

Users who know the existing rag "Missing man if you do not take the deck"
However, other users said, "I can't miss my ㅡㅡㅡ"
Fights take place countless times

The reason is that the result is different because the order of skill is different.

Normal users *Sonic scene

1) Sonic M> Sonic Passive
2) Sonic M> Qatar Passive

Let's shoot skills in order

In the case of 1), the HIT is raised by the sonic passive, so there is no miss
In this case, even if you put all the power, you can't miss it, so if you think about it, you will think that it is stronger because you put it all together.

However, after the open beta, the reinforcement material must be applied directly, not by the management.
Rather than increasing the damage of Sonic Blow in%
When wearing Qatar, the 2) side that puts the atk into a can becomes more efficient.

In addition, Ragnarok, unlike other online games, the more points you invest in either stat, the higher the demand per point.
For example, even if the user who took the power 80 deck 30 subtracts the deck 30, the power does not become 110.

But then, isn't it okay to take Qatar passive first in this power?
If you take a picture like that, you will now see that Miss is floating.

3. Conclusion

(First of all, since I only experienced Korean CBT, I missed a minimum of 20 because I didn't miss even with a deck of 200,000 for a week)

1) Stat 
 Deck 20~30, All Him
 > If you want to keep HIT while taking a sonic passive after Assassin Job Rep 21 
 Initialize and subtract the dex.

2) Skill

 There are many people who want to take the first left line.
 This game is kindly sonic attack time = sonic cooldown so you don't need to hit
 Even when auto-hunting, remove the flat hit and leave only Sonic.

 1st round: Invenum M> Dodge Rate M> Dodge Shield M> Remaining freedom (good for back sliding indonesia)
 2nd: Enchant Poison 1> Sonic M> Qatar M> Sonic Passive M> Enchant Poison M